More energy
Most people will expend more energy to rationalize their audacious mendacity than on almost anything else.
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Separating ways of thinking into dualistic and non-dualistic is itself a fundamentally dualistic exercise.
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The question now is
The question now is, can our models improve until we can't distinguish them from what they are meant to simulate?
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Absolute certainty
I believe with absolute certainty
that I cannot say anything
with absolute certainty.
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We needn't wriggle
When we find ourselves standing barefoot in shit, we needn't wriggle our toes for a bit before stepping out.
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Concurrence is a weak correlation, yet often a necessary one for convergence.
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You begin to wonder
When they tell you long enough that they can't handle the truth, you begin to wonder if they shouldn't be trusted with it.
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At all costs
The society that takes more from you than it gives you is a society that must be overturned at all costs.
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There is nothing wrong with thinking in aphorism, so long as you don't only think in aphorism.
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I don't believe
I don't believe in believing things just because I want to believe them.
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Do our part (Woolf)
As we are a doomed race, chained to a sinking the whole thing is a bad joke, let us, at any rate, do our part; mitigate the sufferings of our fellow-prisoners...decorate the dungeon with flowers and air-cushions; be as decent as we possibly can.
Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway
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I don't like to pretend
I don't like to pretend, when I'm pretending, that my pretending is anything other than pretending.
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If you can't control
If you can't control what you want, how can you be expected to control (by which they mean curtail) that you want what you want?
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What would be most alien would be one who didn't try to make sense of things, and didn't try to make sense of their trying to make sense of things.
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The distance
Life is about discovering the distance between seems and is. This would not seem to rise to the level of purpose.
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Building towards anything (exurb1a)
And if we have a purpose, if the human experiment is building towards anything,
Objective truth sounds fun,
But aren't we here to construct a world where it's possible to play all the time and never die?
exurb1a (Alexander McKechnie), from "Paradigm Blindness"
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It's facile to offer equality of opportunity, because it's so much easier to achieve than equality of outcome. And yet we can't even manage that.
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We will love AI
We will love AI as much because we can't trust them as because we can.
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To solving
We must put our best minds to solving the problems created by our worst minds.
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Though it is the living (Macfarlane)
We are often more tender to the dead than to the living, though it is the living who need our tenderness most.
Robert Macfarlane, Underland
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More free will
Free will does not exist, not because we don't have it but because it is not a logically-consistent concept.
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