Poem accepted!
My poem "Universal Translator" has been accepted for publication by Picayune Magazine.
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My poem "Universal Translator" has been accepted for publication by Picayune Magazine.
Labels: acceptance notice
My books are not dead weight, they are live weight—matter infused by spirit, every one of them, even the silliest. They do not block the horizon; they draw it. They free me from the prison of contemporaneity: one should not live only in one’s own time. A wall of books is a wall of windows.Leon Wieseltier
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A commitment to habit is the instinctual protection and validation of one's memories of youth, which, if not honored and renewed, might erode into insignificance, leaving one without a foundation upon which to build for the future.
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Skepticism is an enlargement, not a reduction. It is not a denial, but the allowance that one's initial or preferred view of something may be partial, contingent, or—yes—even wrong.
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Death does not worry me—it is just another moment.
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If you detect a flow of love in another,
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Other people usually leave us so indifferent that when we have invested in one of them such possibilities of causing us pain and joy, that person seems to belong to another universe, is surrounded with poetry, turns our life into a sort of expanse of emotion in which that person will be more or less close to us.Marcel Proust, from Swann's Way
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If all decisions are guesses,
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A philosophy that opens the door at one end of a hallway locks the door at the other end.
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All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @ webnesia.com
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)