The problem with history
The problem with history is how quickly it is supplanted.
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Courage is the human virtue that counts most—courage to act on limited knowledge and insufficient evidence. That's all any of us have.
Robert Frost
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It is misguided to privilege one kind or style or habit of thought as more appropriate to or more conducive to the crafting of successful poetry.
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Most human misunderstanding arises less from differing points of view than from perceptions of different levels of significance. The world is a complex system, and our understanding of it comes, in science, from the matching of model structures with the physical structure of matter and, in art, from a perceived relationship between its physical structure and the levels of sensual and imaginative perception that are possible within the structure of our brain's workings.
Cyril Stanley Smith, A Search For Structure
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Suddenly there's an idea and it demands realization, our entire life, our entire existence consists only of such ideas demanding realization, once this process breaks off, our life breaks off, we're dead. We consist of nothing but ideas that surface inside us and that we want to realize, that we must realize, or else we're dead... Every idea and every pursuit of an idea inside us is life...the lack of ideas is death.
Thomas Bernhard, Correction
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Scientism says nothing about science; rather, it reveals something about the kind of person who rejects the latter in favor of the former.
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Be sure to benefit from what something has to offer before you criticize and reject it for what it doesn’t.
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No one can grant you a right, so it is a waste of time to ask for them. What must instead be demanded is recognition of and respect for the unacknowledged rights which are already yours.
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The very nature of memory predisposes us to view our relationship to things in terms of possession.
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Happily, California Quarterly has decided to take a second poem from my submission, "You are on the river, drifting." They will both appear in Vol. 48, No. 1 later this year.
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300 Days of Sun has accepted my poem "So Many Things." It has been just under ten years(!) since my last work was published there, so I'm pleased to place another poem with them.
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No one has the right to tell me what to do, or, worse, to force me to do it. And while some have been granted (or have taken upon themselves) the power to do so, that in no way obliges me to recognize this power as authority.
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There are two kinds of impossible:
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My poem, "After 2," has been accepted for publication in California Quarterly. Looking forward to seeing it in print.
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The inevitability of justice is the most reassuring and the most terrifying of myths.
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The secret of happiness is this: let your interests be as wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile.
Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness
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If, as you say, I have sold my soul for all these things, then I'll be damned if I won't enjoy them.
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The community I seek membership in is the one that grants entry only upon your declaration of your independence from the community.
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You will never be able to experience everything. So, please, do poetical justice to your soul and simply experience yourself.
Albert Camus, Notebooks, 1935-1951
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Morals are always based in values.
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I keep returning to this again and again. I really think this may be the best thing to happen in music so far in the 21st century:
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So many of our assumptions are not only wrong but ridiculous. It may be that the biggest improvement to our conclusions might come from a careful examination of our assumptions.
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Is it, in fact, the case that most people are weak and dumb, or is it, rather, that most people only present as weak and dumb due to various sociological and psychological factors?
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If one person can do it, it is something that people can do (which is not to say that everyone can do it).
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© 1996 - 2025
All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)