How much (Wei)
How much can hurt the heart
in one life's span
Wang Wei, from "Lamenting white hairs"
Labels: poetry
How much can hurt the heart
in one life's span
Wang Wei, from "Lamenting white hairs"
Labels: poetry
Almost all the evil in the world has its origin in the fact that some one is afraid of something.
L. M. Montgomery
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Wealth is either a blight upon the soul or a balm.
Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor, The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home
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The rapid Progress true Science now makes, occasions my Regretting sometimes that I was born so soon. It is impossible to imagine the Height to which may be carried in a 1000 Years the Power of Man over Matter. We may perhaps learn to deprive large Masses of their Gravity & give them absolute Levity, for the sake of easy Transport. Agriculture may diminish its Labour & double its Produce. All Diseases may by sure means be prevented or cured, not excepting even that of Old Age, and our Lives lengthened at pleasure even beyond the antediluvian Standard. O that moral Science were in as fair a Way of Improvement, that Men would cease to be Wolves to one another, and that human Beings would at length learn what they now improperly call Humanity.—
Benjamin Franklin
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Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
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(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
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