New poems
Labels: posting notice
My poems "Redaction Comics #1," "Assertion," and "Wanna-Be" are now available at Otoliths. Check out this Australian site's interesting mix of content!
Labels: publication notice
Su tumba fue su amada;
hermosa, sí, pero temprana y breve;
ciega y enamorada,
mucho al amor y poco al tiempo debe;
y pues en sus amores se deshace,
escríbase: Aqui goza, donde yace.
Its tomb was its beloved;
lovely, yes, but fleetingly so;
blind and enamored,
much to love it owes, little to time;
and because it was by loving undone,
engrave: it lies in bliss where it died.
Francisco de Quevedo, from "Túmulo de la mariposa"
Labels: poetry
Love is the answer, said the songs, and that's OK. It was OK, I supposed, as an answer. But no more than that. It was not a solution; it wasn't really even an answer, just a reply.
Lorrie Moore, A Gate at the Stairs
Labels: quote
Everyone manufactures opinions—it's what we do, perhaps all we do—but they are not all of equal quality or value.
Labels: thought
Azadas son la hora y el momento
que, a jornal de mi pena y mi cuidado,
cavan en mi vivir mi monumento.
The hours and seconds are spades,
by pain and grief well paid, digging
my grave in the midst of my days.
Francisco de Quevedo, from "Signifícase la propria brevedad de la vida, sin pensar, y con padecer, salteada de la muerte
Labels: poetry
Three of my poems, "Redaction Comics #1," "Assertion," and "Wanna-Be," have been accepted and will be published in the next issue of Otoliths: A Magazine of Many E-Things. The issue is scheduled to go live on August 1.
Labels: acceptance notice
Tradition means only that people have been doing something the same way for a while. It doesn't imply that that way is a better way, much less the better way.
Labels: thought
I want to give you something, or I want to take
something from you. But I want to feel the exchange...
Ada Limón, from "How Far Away We Are"
Labels: poetry
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All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)