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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Free wills (O'Connor)

Does one's integrity ever lie in what he is not able to do?  I think that usually it does, for free will does not mean one will, but many wills conflicting in one man.  Freedom cannot be conceived simply.

Flannery O'Connor, Wise Blood (Author's Note)


No rush

Life demands suicide, but that's already been taken care of for us, and there's no rush.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Mom's birthday cake 2016

Wasn't overly fond of this one, but she picked it and I made it!



If you love life, celebrate function, not perfection.


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Monday, November 28, 2016

The problem with dictators (Williams)

The problem with dictators lies not in what they do:  some make trains run on time, and some start wars, and some do neither and some do both, but it would be fruitless to rank them on this basis.  The problem is not which groups they victimise—though it is a problem that it will always be somebody, the cornerstone of control being to divide and scapegoat.  The problem is not even that strongmen can’t get on with each other, for all the anxiety it brings, waiting for the inevitable confrontation as one immovable, volatile autocrat comes head to head with another.

No, the problem is that the power annexed by one big daddy hasn’t come from nowhere:  it is power surrendered by everyone else, whose human destiny is then smothered by their political impotence.  Whether you are explicitly denied the vote or simply rendered irrelevant by a winner-takes-all authoritarianism, you are left infantilised and directionless.

Zoe Williams


My tradition

My tradition is to slip free
of tradition in order to do what seems best.


Sunday, November 27, 2016


Questions outlive
their answers.


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Broken idols (O'Hehir)

Those who try to assure us that the emergency is not an emergency, or to insist that the enduring institutions of democracy will surely triumph over this mass hallucination, are either cowardly or stupid or have their heads buried somewhere that isn’t the sand.  Furthermore, they haven’t been paying attention:  Aren’t these the same responsible grownups who understood how things worked in the real world, and who felt sure that Jeb Bush would be the Republican nominee, and that Hillary Clinton would win the election in a historic landslide?  At some point, clinging to your broken idols while barbarians ransack the temple just becomes pathetic.

Andrew O'Hehir


The questions

The questions that matter the most, to us,
are those we have to answer for


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Friday, November 25, 2016

A serious danger (Frum)

The lovely American confidence that "everything will be all right" has itself now become a serious danger to everything being all right.

David Frum



Reason tells us mostly
that most everything is mad.


Thursday, November 24, 2016

"Thanks" by W. S. Merwin



On closure

Closure, no matter how satisfying, is always accompanied by a bit of disappointment. We long for openness, for possibility. We want to continue.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The house of delusions (Housman)

Knowledge, and especially disagreeable knowledge, cannot by any art be totally excluded even from those who do not seek it. Wisdom, said Aeschylus long ago, comes to men whether they will or no. The house of delusions is cheap to build, but draughty to live in, and ready at any instant to fall; and it is surely truer prudence to move our furniture betimes into the open air than to stay indoors until our tenement tumbles about our ears. It is and it must in the long run be better for a man to see things as they are than to be ignorant of them.

A. E. Housman


Leave something behind

Everyone is entitled to leave something behind for time to lose or destroy.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Homemade chicken nuggets


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Sunday, November 20, 2016

If you don't understand it, it ain't true (O'Connor)

"Now I just want to give you folks a few reasons why you can trust this church," he said. "In the first place, friends, you can rely on it that it's nothing foreign connected with it. You don't have to believe nothing you don't understand and approve of. If you don't understand it, it ain't true, and that's all there is to it."

"This church is up-to-date! When you're in this church you can know that there's nothing or nobody ahead of you, nobody knows nothing you don't know, all the cards are on the table, friends, and that's a fack!"

Flannery O'Connor, Wise Blood



When my work is not good, when it's not interesting, be sure that it's always interesting to me.


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Wordlessness (Theroux)

A vision rose up before him. It was Cacotopia, suddenly, all around him, a land of nightsoil swept over by aboriginal winds and lit by a dim moronic moon under which, songless and illiberal, the only tribe of humans left on earth sat around shouting and mocking all that language could, a cultureless people who, having looked back into the past, saw there was no future. Agitprop throttled fable, libraries had been torched, and in the rubble of what once was were enacted scenes better imagined than described, with words, no longer lovely magical influences on nature anymore but now bleats of perversion serving only as a means of evil report, slander, strife, and quarrel.

The final day of pollution had come, and everywhere crowds of the disaffected gathered together in an earsplitting din to smash printing-presses, incinerate books, and befoul manuscripts in an orgy of violence, with everyone spitting, shitting, and bouncing up and down on his heels. Impatience was upon them! Where can we go, they screamed, never to hear or read a word again? They clapped in chant to be led somewhere. But where, where?

Suddenly, political sucksters and realistic insectivores, shoving to the front, puffed up their stomachs and blew lies out of their fingers! A parade was formed! It was now an assembly on the march, an enthusiastic troop of dunces, pasquil-makers, populist scribblers and lick-penny poets, anti-intellectual hacks, modernistic rubbishmongers, anonymuncules of prose and anacreontic water-bibbers all screaming nonce-words and squealing filthy ditties. They shouted scurrilities! They pronounced words backwards! They tumbled along waggling codpieces, shaking hogs' bladders, and bugling from the fundament! Some sang, shrill, purposely mispronouncing words, snarping at the language to mock it while thumping each other with huge rubber phalluses and roaring out farts! They snapped pens in half and turned somersaults with quills in their ears to make each other laugh, lest they speak and then finally came to the lip of a monstrously large hole, a crater-like opening miles wide, which, pushing and shoving, they circled in an obscene dance while dressed in hoods with long earpieces and shaking firebrands, clackers, and discordant bells! A bonfire was then lit under a huge pole, and on that pole a huge banner, to hysterical applause, was suddenly unfurled and upon it, upsidedown, were written the words: "In the End Was Wordlessness."

Alexander Theroux, Darconville's Cat


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Friday, November 18, 2016

Word of the day

Kakistocracy:  government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power.


Thursday, November 17, 2016



The threat

The threat of death is immortal.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Winter is coming

A little steam melts a larger quantity of frost, but enough frost freezes steam.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Proud elitist

I have to admit to being an elitist, I'm sorry. You know, one of the few things you can be arrested for is being an elitist. You can run around the street saying God is dead, and people won't like you, but you're not going to be hated. You can preach the violent overthrow of McDonald's and you'll get away with it, but all you have to say is that, in fact, there are some people who are better than others, and it has nothing to do with race or ethnic background or color or anything like that. What it has to do with is who's got the brains.

Harlan Ellison

What's wrong with being elitist, if you are trying to encourage people to join the elite rather than being exclusive? I'm very, very keen that people should raise their game rather than the other way around.

Richard Dawkins


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Monday, November 14, 2016

Elitist? (Penny)

It is not elitist to look fascism in the face and reject it.

Laurie Penny


Sunday, November 13, 2016


To know nothing is to be nothing.


Saturday, November 12, 2016

The strangeness (Hilton)

There came a time, he realized, when the strangeness of everything made it increasingly difficult to realize the strangeness of anything.

James Hilton


Friday, November 11, 2016

RIP Leonard Cohen

You got out just in time.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Society (Ballard)

The advanced societies of the future will not be governed by reason. They will be driven by irrationality, by competing systems of psychopathology.

J. G. Ballard


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Wednesday, November 09, 2016

That's all, folks.

1) Some things you can't come back from, no matter how resilient.

2) Here's the repudiation of the claim of all the people who have said to me that it didn't matter if people were allowed or encouraged to be irrational in one aspect of their lives, because they would compartmentalize it and could still function responsibly and reliably in other areas.

3) The id's in the driver's seat. I hope you enjoy the ride. (You won't.)

4) You broke it, you bought it.


Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Did they matter

We must believe that most living things are exemplars only, because were they individuals, did they matter as individuals, existence would be a horror. Whether we are justified in this belief, however, is far from certain.


Monday, November 07, 2016

Creamy feta dip

From this recipe.


Sunday, November 06, 2016

On identity

Identity is self reverberating at varying frequencies.


Saturday, November 05, 2016

The Outcry (Bronk)

What I want to do is shout. Happiness? No.
Outrage? No. What I want to do is shout
because we were all wrong, because the point
was not the point, because the world, or what
we took for the world, is breaking, breaking. We were wrong
and are not right. Break! Break! We are here!
What I want to do is shout! Break! Shout!

William Bronk, "The Outcry"


Thursday, November 03, 2016

On patterns

A broken pattern is also a pattern.


Wednesday, November 02, 2016

A mystery

It's a mystery to me how so many can so long clutch at and cling to an inferior myth under a deluge of better and better stories.


Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Jack O'Lantern


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Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to:  rushmc @ webnesia.com

(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
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Defender of Truth & Justice since (approx.) 1973!