The Forecast
My poem "The Forecast" has been accepted for publication by Thin Air Magazine, a publication of Northern Arizona University's MFA program.
Labels: acceptance notice
My poem "The Forecast" has been accepted for publication by Thin Air Magazine, a publication of Northern Arizona University's MFA program.
Labels: acceptance notice
A denial has more power in a defined system than in an environment of doubt and mystery.
Labels: thought
As a poet, as a man, I can accept no constraint upon my right to fall in love as often as necessary.
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No one can love others without loving themselves.
Labels: thought
How fortunate that the constituency of the dead is denied a vote.
Labels: thought
Another's claim or pose of superiority should every time be greeted with expressions of doubt, dispute, and disdain.
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How can you become disoriented when there is no destination in any direction?
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In the shallow you can only see your own reflection, but many things, some quite unexpected, can lurk in the deep.
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The first step toward transcending the programming is acknowledging the programming.
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Hold on to what you know right now. Let no one persuade you of a single thing. Study your hunger and how to feed it. Trust in whatever sounds twist your viscera. Write in the cadences of first love, of second chances, of air raids, of outrage, of the hideous and the hilarious, of headlong acceptance or curt refusal. Make the bitter music of bumdom, the sad shanties of landlessness, cool at the equator and fluid at the pole. Set the sounds that angels make after an all-night orgy. Whatever lengthens the day, whatever gets you through the night. Make the music that you need, for need will be over, soon enough.
Richard Powers, Orfeo
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Life is nothing but mutual infection. And every infecting message changes the message it infects.
Richard Powers, Orfeo
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The true patriot—the only one who is not contemptible—wants his or her country to become better than it is.
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When you see someone trying to fulfill what they see as their social role or responsibilities, be generous in acknowledging their efforts, even if you don't agree with their perspective.
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No matter how you feel, you have to act
like you are very popular with yourself;
very relaxed and purposeful,
very unconfused
and not
like you are walking through the sunshine
in chains.
Tony Hoagland, from "Here In Berkeley"
Labels: poetry
Decent people are not the repressed ones, because decent people's instincts and impulses are not ugly and in need of concealment.
Labels: thought
The legacy of the knight errant or of a poet's oeuvre lives not in any single deed or inspired turn of phrase, but in the fact that it is a chosen life: it is founded upon a commitment to values and action inspired by the desire for truth and justice, an idea invented by the troubadours in the 13th Century.
William O'Daly
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There is much of value in historical records, but ultimately they are so biased, so partial, so manipulated, so factitious, so incomplete that one must scoff at anyone who promotes them as essential.
Labels: thought
I received my copy of the Fall 2015 issue of The Tulane Review, which contains my poems "Dancing Song" and "The Wisdom of the Crowd." It seems I was the only person to get two poems into this issue!
Labels: publication notice
What harm do they do, the religious believers? They threaten the dream of truth, the promise of honesty, the hope of understanding. They would see society dependent upon a faulty foundation, would have us lie to our children, to ourselves, while demanding concession of their superiority in their retreat from the plausible, their fear of the reasonable. While we all survive on stories, theirs are thin and ugly and desperate. They proselytize a fable of the defeated, and rejecting it is not enough, it must be condemned.
Labels: thought
Our world is not as we would have it or how
we could even have thought to make it but delights
us often in startling ways that make us think
we don't know anything about ourselves.
William Bronk, "Ignorance Revealed"
Labels: poetry
Of course some people still think they can win through the political system: there are always those who believe they can beat the house.
Labels: thought
Explain, don't justify. Reason, don't rationalize. Demonstrate, don't intimidate.
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Someone, do the math on the impact to society of the knowledge and expertise lost to death.
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The things that happen are surprising.
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Love is just an excuse for the things we do to one another,
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Being able to rationalize too quickly cancels out most (all?) of the advantages of intelligence.
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The thing you look back on and regret is not the same as the thing you enjoyed or suffered, or enjoyed and suffered.
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If I don't teach you something
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When our games become sophisticated enough that we can believe them without reservation, then human desire shall at last be requited.
Labels: thought
I value life tremendously. But I don't value every life above everything else. That's an irrational and destructive bias.
Labels: thought
© 1996 - 2025
All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)