The new thing
I am enlivened by the new thing because in an instant I grow sufficient to recognize it, and growth often triggers satisfaction, or even joy.
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I am enlivened by the new thing because in an instant I grow sufficient to recognize it, and growth often triggers satisfaction, or even joy.
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Consumption, too, is a kind of creation, of appreciation, of enjoyment, of benefit.
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Poetry that doesn't engage with cliche is poetry of and for a world without cliche, which is not this world.
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If you have to suppress or misrepresent ideas that differ from yours to the young (or to anyone else), you are admitting that your ideas cannot compete with those ideas on a level playing field and are therefore inferior.
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When we discover that yesterday is inaccessible, we try to recreate it in our minds so that we may revisit—or at least draw upon—it as desired. One must wonder how much of today is lost due to this ongoing effort, the demands of which are ever-increasing. And yet, the ramifications of denying ourselves this resource are inconceivable.
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There is a larger gap between my poems and the reception of my poems than there is between my poems and my ideal for my poems.
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Not all creativity is madness, but is all madness creativity?
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Truth can coexist with another truth, even one that conflicts, contradicts, but struggles to abide a lie.
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How much easier it would be to dream forever than to live forever.
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Without the new, the next, how is one to fill the hole left by the loss of the previous?
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When we deem something good, we are often simply noting that it conforms to what we are accustomed to, to what we are expecting.
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All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)