How important
How important is the particularity of experience?
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Consciousness is analogous to the way the brain makes light out of the darkness of sleep.
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The only affiliations I acknowledge are the elective ones; the only afflictions, those unchosen.
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Poets need not flee the facts of the world; rather, they should see them anew in insightful ways.
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Those who try to make things right will never be as happy (or successful) as those who try to make things better.
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If I have been created, I owe no more obligation to my creator than a cake that I bake does to me.
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The arrogance of the notion that a human could perceive or conceive of a true god!
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Our concept that will change the most over the next hundred years will be that of the "artificial."
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I reserve the right to criticize that which delivers suffering to my door.
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The suckers are the ones who see everything happening as they expect it to.
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Modify what you find, even what you find in yourself, but don't destroy what was already there.
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We are fictional characters without the traditional advantages provided by the author.
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I think many readers would assign too much literality to my poetry. What they assume is meant literally is often being used in a quite different sense.
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Generally, people are either easy to persuade or impossible to convince.
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We are so eager to resist, we will resist even the idea that we are entitled to resist.
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© 1996 - 2025
All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)