On labels
Labels inevitably fracture as they try to capture reality.
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To me, all literary or critical theories are like the notions the blind men have of the best way to investigate the elephant: each can be useful in its way, but none will reveal the beast in its entirety.
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I am pleased to note that my poem "Only This 2" has now been published by First Literary Review-East in their January/February 2024 online issue. They've been publishing poetry for 14 years, and I'm gratified to see my poem there.
Labels: publication notice
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (standards of thought) no longer exist.
Hannah Arendt
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I am made of just a fraction of my experience. Most was lost, at least to me.
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The part I want to part from is the part that doesn't impart.
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I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.
John Cage
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The tragedy is believing that you are capable of distinguishing comedy from tragedy.
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The shortest route between any two points is the one undertaken with inattention.
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By seeing patterns that are not there, the mind creates stories that aren't true...
Chris Niebauer
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It is not enough for people to see us; we want them to see where we have been.
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The fairy tale is the story that tells you that when you set out from home seeking something, you will find it.
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The biggest misconception of childhood is that the net sum of the changes to come will be positive.
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You are never nearer the truth than when you proclaim a false thing true, only you are standing with your back to it.
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The first one to get to truth is not the only one who can swear fealty to it.
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A journey always seems quicker coming back because we are doing so much less work assessing the degree to which reality is going to accommodate expectation.
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I am a poet of the first instant and the last, and of all that separates them.
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How worthy of contempt, those who look for truth only in one place. And yet how much better than those who don't look at all!
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According to the current way of thinking (or not-thinking), it seems that if we are to enjoy anything then we must not have to think about it, and, conversely, if we are to think about anything, then we mustn't enjoy it. This is a calamitous and idiotic division of functions.
Barbara Wright
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Each lyric is a souvenir (I almost wrote relic) of an old life expressed in terms intelligible to a new life.
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I don't appreciate or affiliate with labels. If you feel you absolutely must, write "Uncategorized" on mine.
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Nothing is inevitable if you look back far enough into its antecedents.
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So much of what you're told when you're young is plausible, so it takes years to sort out the true from the false.
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The fiction is already there. The writer’s task is to invent the reality.
J. G. Ballard
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Do we suffer more for our flaws and failures or for our ethical commitments?
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Books Read: 105
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All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @ webnesia.com
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)