What is not penalized must be recategorized as permitted.
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The ultimate, hidden truth of the world is that it is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently.
David Graeber, The Utopia of Rules
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No matter how simply life presents itself, we will find a way to complicate it.
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A perfectly good life can be a torment if it's not the life you want.
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One of the great advantages of wealth is that you are not obliged to eat toads. You can do what you think right.
Patrick O'Brian, The Nutmeg of Consolation
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Our instincts are not aligned with reality but with efficacy. Even, perhaps, our instinct to align with reality.
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A consciousness too restricted to encompass the world is incapable of a holistic conception or implementation of ethics.
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My life wouldn’t be my life without any number of artists who failed, in various ways large and small, to be excellent outside their art.
Garth Greenwell
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Would it not be more interesting, more critically alert or generative, to find something redeemable about this thing that repels me? Would it not suggest that I am, in some way, capable of exceeding myself?
Zachary Fine
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I reserve my hatred for those who willfully damage or destroy something good.
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The true horror of existence is not the certainty of death, nor the threat of hell, but the knowledge that we will likely go our entire lives as impossibly complex machines, walking about in an impossibly complex universe, and never truly discover what it was all for.
I don't know is brave. I'll never know is heroic.
Exurb1a, Geometry For Ocelots
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The tools that prove useful in the escape may not be the same tools that built the cage, the walls, the piranha-filled moat.
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The first thing we need to improve is our ability to identify what needs to be improved.
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My greatest regret is having complied with the unexpressed preferences of those on divergent trajectories.
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Lurid flaws are popular these days, and we are encouraged to accommodate them.
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AIs don't have to achieve perfect cognition; they only have to exceed that of humans.
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If there is no free will,
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Life provides irrefutable evidence
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Progress is slow when people insist on taking the wrong lessons from everything.
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Received my copy of the Summer 2023 (Volume 49, Number 2) issue of California Quarterly, which contains my poems "You are on the river, drifting" and "After 2." Looks great!
Labels: publication notice
© 1996 - 2025
All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)