The fact that the evidence is indisputable never stopped anyone from disputing it.
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The fact that the evidence is indisputable never stopped anyone from disputing it.
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I have emptied of everything but words, but they should get me to the end.
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We love the invisible magic,
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You bring up an important thing, but it is not the only important thing, or even the most important thing (the most important thing is to give as much acknowledgment and attention to all the important things).
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Although everything I have said has been true, I have not, after all this time, caught up to the truth.
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Look, and judge. It is better to be wrong
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Imagination is a wonderful thing.
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The only authoritarian idea that I support is the idea that authoritarianism must be stamped out at the first sign, each and every time.
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How do you make the better choice
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The one who hates the exclamation point
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No one could be at home in me,
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What I did not know when I was very young was that nothing can take the past away: the past grows gradually around one, like a placenta for dying.
John Berger, And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief As Photos
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The artist and the scientist must dissect everything, especially ideology.
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My poem "So Many Things" is now out in the Spring 2023 Issue (Volume 2 Issue 4) of 300 Days of Sun.
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I will not be constrained by the limits of other people's vocabularies.
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I think those concerns are just displaced anxiety about limited liability companies. Where is the artificial life form that humans created to serve them, but which instead requires the humans to serve the artificial life-form?... I think that when people worry about Skynet, what they mean is the imperatives of business are driving the world to the brink of human extinction.
Cory Doctorow
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There is art that makes you forget the art and there is art that makes you see the art.
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I might be more amenable to the notion of authority if those given it ever did anything praiseworthy with it.
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If you oppose authority, you are acknowledging authority; instead, challenge a particular claim to authority.
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We are the unintended consequences of unexpected convergences.
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There are three broad types of people: those who believe things are better than they are; those who believe things are worse than they are; and those who believe they aren't sufficiently informed to judge how things are.
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More and more is taken from us until something in us decides that what is left is no longer enough to defend.
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Human relations are difficult when you come to each one with a conviction that they are certain to go poorly.
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It is okay to be fearful. When we do not allow ourselves to show fear, the emotion simply comes back in a much uglier disguise.
Jason Pargin, If This Book Exists, You're In The Wrong Universe
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© 1996 - 2025
All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)