What is so
Even what is so is only provisionally so.
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If the old thing satisfies you, you'll be less likely to notice the new thing.
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Our lives make more sense as narrative threads than as autonomous individuals.
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People who interpret something differently than you do are not necessarily wrong. This fact does not, however, imply that they are not wrong.
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If someone whose behavior or ethics we found wanting made a chair, would we reject the chair, claiming it was tainted? If not the chair, then why a work of art?
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Should we blame the one who lights the match for another's disappointment that it goes out again?
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What is difficult to reconcile may have been mistakenly conceived as oppositional.
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Objectivity is always subject to the correction of an objectivity of a greater scope.
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The meaning in a compulsory act exists for the one who compels, not the one who is compelled.
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The pronouncement of a belief is not the same as the discovery of a truth.
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The most we can say with certainty of what is is that it is (and sometimes not even that).
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Let the poet's voice lose all its measure and joints, its character will not be changed by this; even the fragments will be beautiful.
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Some people demand the reassurances of an enemy to validate their belief that they matter.
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There is a beauty even in the blade of the executioner, though rare is the one who can appreciate it.
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Love is something nature came up with to distract young men from their missions of destruction.
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Pay special attention to the things you think are true but can't believe.
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Is resolve admirable in and of itself, or only when mated to a laudable purpose?
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The significance is established by the arrangement; the relevance in the context.
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The truth that lies like marrow in a bone in contradiction is the most delicious, if not the most nourishing.
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Government-sanctioned crime will always be orders of magnitude worse than any crime an individual may commit.
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This characteristic relentlessness of mine is rooted in my extremely complicated nature which is always striving toward simplicity but by that very effort keeps moving more and more and further and further away from simplicity, dealing with others as it does myself, capable only of relentlessness and thereby driven very quickly to exhaustion.
Thomas Bernhard, Correction
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All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @ webnesia.com
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)