Words (Orr)
I always supposed
It was words
I was after—
Shining fish
The poem's net gets.
But who knows?
Maybe it was
The sea
I was trying
To haul on deck.
Gregory Orr, from "Ode to Words"
Labels: poetry
I always supposed
It was words
I was after—
Shining fish
The poem's net gets.
But who knows?
Maybe it was
The sea
I was trying
To haul on deck.
Gregory Orr, from "Ode to Words"
Labels: poetry
In the real world, there's only one ending, and it isn't happy.
Jennifer Egan, The Candy House
Labels: quote
There is no gain without loss
Labels: thought
Mysteries that are destroyed by measurement were never truly mysterious; only our ignorance made them seem so.
Jennifer Egan, The Candy House
Labels: quote
If nature undoes immediately what we work years to do, then we're not doing it right.
Were human memory total and perfect, perhaps I'd be only one person from start to finish, but forgetfulness cuts me off from who I've been so that hourly I am reborn.
"Wouldn't it be easier on you to treat this voyage as a lark or a mere outing?" Yes, I said, if I can first teach myself to treat my life as a lark.
William Least Heat-Moon, River-Horse
Labels: quote
To make the world perfect and full of splendor.
Was this indeed anybody's wish?
Harvey Shapiro, from "World"
Labels: poetry
The beginning is the beginning of the end.
Labels: thought
It's my younger self,
confused, desperate, wanting
another chance. For what? I ask,
for what?
Harvey Shapiro, from "The Old Man Has One Thought And Then Another"
Labels: poetry
If nothing matters, then the fact that nothing matters doesn't matter.
Labels: thought
...Because a man who no longer thinks his own thoughts but instead finds himself dominated by the thoughts of another man whom he admires or even if he doesn't admire him but is only dominated by his thoughts, compulsively, such a man is in constant danger of doing himself in by his continual thinking of the other man's thoughts, in danger of deadening himself out of existence.
Thomas Bernhard, Correction
Labels: quote
The sorrow of thought is that it replaces
the world that stunned us into thought,
and leads us not to awe but to new
morose connections between language
and desire.
William Matthews, from "Thinking About Thinking"
Labels: quote
The ones I despise are those who'd impose their mental monoculture upon all.
Labels: thought
© 1996 - 2025
All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @ webnesia.com
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)