An unredressed injustice never dies.
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Just because something is done according to the law does not mean that it is lawful. Law is made in the image of an ideal. One can make a law that does not reflect that image, and that law may be a law without being lawful.
Nick Harkaway, Gnomon
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I fear not just that I, personally, will be forgotten but that we are all doomed to being forgotten; that the sum of life is ultimately nothing; that we experience joy and disappointment and aches and delights and loss, make our little mark on the world, and then we vanish, and the mark is erased, and it is as if we never existed. If you gaze into that bleakness even for a moment, the sum of life becomes null and void, because if nothing lasts nothing matters. Everything we experience unfolds without a pattern, and life is just a baffling occurrence, a scattering of notes with no melody.
Susan Orlean
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Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @ webnesia.com
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)