Convince me (Porchia)
Convince me, but without convictions. Convictions no longer convince me.
Antonio Porchia
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Convince me, but without convictions. Convictions no longer convince me.
Antonio Porchia
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Words are made of memory. Even the shortest word—even "I"—is inconceivable without memory.
Labels: thought
He [Whitman] "shall not let it"—that is, the lures of the world, the intoxication—distract him from his loafing, the refusal to be tempted out of idleness, from which all his great poetry emerges.
This refusal can be difficult to sustain, because of external and internal pressures. Yet it is only through preserving somewhere, within oneself, a refusal to be "useful" in the ways the world expects, to be "functional" or "productive" or "responsible," that one prepares to be a poet.
Matthew Zapruder, Why Poetry
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It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what everyone else says in a whole book—what everyone else does not say in a whole book.
Friedrich Nietzsche
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Rat's Ass Review is going to be publishing my poems Discontinuity and In Ruins. I'll post more details as I get them.
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All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)