More on life
Life is the suicide of time.
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The breaking of so great a thing should make
A greater crack...
William Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra
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Great news! My poetry chapbook The Animal Commitments has been accepted for publication by Finishing Line Press. Got the email yesterday on my birthday, so this may be the best birthday present ever! I'll provide more details as they become available.
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Place your trust in coincidence and other aspects of the world that do not love you.
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Childhood's end arrives when we realize that the world is unacceptable. Am I right? It's unacceptable! It's corrupt! It is a vale of sorrows, a kitchen full of smoke, a perpetual travail. What can we do? We can capitulate. We can give up our expectations, and accept what is the case. Or, we can fight. We can resist. Here, I think, is where the desire to create originates: from this great visceral disgust with the world, and with the experience of living in it. I'm not speaking of a desire to reform or reshape the world, mind you. I'm talking about the desire to negate it entirely, to replace it with something better, more suited to ourselves. In recognizing this desire, of course, we find ourselves in the company of our two friends, the poet and the magus.
Martin Seay, The Mirror Thief
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The poet is consciousness; the poem is experience processed through consciousness.
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You should never underestimate people's capacity to believe weird things.
Martin Seay, The Mirror Thief
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There are so many things I would like to understand, and most of all myself—after a half century of hard work and reflection the wall is still there. Nature—or rather, my nature—remains mysterious.
Henri Matisse
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Walk away from those trying to make your world smaller; follow the ones who offer to enlarge it.
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Or maybe that has been the point, even the project, of modernity: to abandon the gaze, to give over to the glimpse. Accept that truth is relative, authenticity is personal, and art is the business of broken bits. Admit that the fragment is our totem. And that catching things on the fly, no matter how exhausting, is more real and right than any fullness of classic form.
Patricia Hampl, Blue Arabesque
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I think now a whole life can be spent OK
giving up love, waiting for thunder.
Arthur J. Stewart, from "Waiting For Thunder"
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All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)