The world tempts us with everything
and the temptation most difficult to resist is self.
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The world tempts us with everything
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Each treat, every sustenance, must disappear from our sight before we can taste it.
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There is what concentrates and there is what is being concentrated, but what concentrates is also being concentrated.
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We long for non-being, but we want to come to—and depart from!—it as beings.
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What makes you feel large makes you feel real.
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The world is unjust to the degree that the world condemns and punishes us for the actions of those we decry and deny. Without agency, there is no responsibility; without responsibility, no culpability; without culpability, no just consequence.
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Strong and unrestrained emotion expresses itself in waves, with a throbbing or pulsation, in recurrent movements appearing in voice and gesture, which constitute a natural rhythm. Poetry, an emotional expression, has this rhythm. The beat of a passage of poetry or impassioned prose is not a superadded ornament, but an inevitable and vital accompaniment of such expression, going back, we may imagine, for its origin to the poet's heart.
F. C. Prescott, Poetry and Dreams
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We must heap up a great pile of doing, for a small diameter of being.
Henry David Thoreau
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The flip side of grief is gratitude for having had whatever is lost to begin with.
Susan Briscoe
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Silver, what can be used for one's own purposes,
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A religious devotion to the truth, to the splendor of the authentic, involves the writer in a process rewarding in itself; but when that devotion brings us to undreamed abysses and we find ourselves sailing slowly over them and landing on the other side—that's ecstasy.
Denise Levertov
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I take what I need from everything, but I need more than I can take, more than there is to take, too often.
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All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @ webnesia.com
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)