Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes.
—Walt Whitman
—Walt Whitman
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Monday, November 27, 2017
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Ignorant and proud of it (Montesquieu)
As for those who proclaim that they are ignorant and proud of it, what they would like is to see the whole of mankind forgotten as completely as they will be themselves.
A man who lacks some talent makes up for it by despising it, and so removes this obstacle lying between himself and personal merit; this is how he gets on the same level as the man whose work he finds redoubtable.
Montesquieu, Persian Letters
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Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Important things
Any society which does not allow people
time and opportunity to do important things
is a contemptible failure.
Labels: thought
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Should not be
Discovering or deciding where you stand
should not be a sentence to never move
from that spot again.
Labels: thought
Monday, November 20, 2017
What I know
If I interpret every experience
only in terms of what I already know,
then how did I acquire that knowledge?
Labels: thought
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Friday, November 17, 2017
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Monday, November 13, 2017
Sunday, November 12, 2017
The simplistic
The simplistic is only useful to the extent that the incorrect can be useful.
Labels: thought
Saturday, November 11, 2017
"The Word 2"
Third Wednesday has accepted my poem "The Word 2" and will be publishing it in their winter issue in December!
Labels: acceptance notice
Our time (Einstein)
Perfection of tools and confusion of aims are characteristic of our time.
Albert Einstein
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Friday, November 10, 2017
Thursday, November 09, 2017
Wednesday, November 08, 2017
Rancor (Schlesinger)
Rancor is one of the unavowed but potent emotions of politics; and one must never forget that the envy of the have-nots can be quite as consuming when the haves have character or intelligence as it is when they have merely material possessions.
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
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Tuesday, November 07, 2017
Monday, November 06, 2017
They lost all (Hamilton)
Is it rational that now when the young people may have to face problems harder than we face, is it reasonable that with the atomic age before them, at this time we are giving up the study of how the Greeks and Romans prevailed magnificently in a barbaric world; the study, too, of how that triumph ended, how a slackness and softness finally came over them to their ruin? In the end, more than they wanted freedom, they wanted security, a comfortable life, and they lost all—security and comfort and freedom.
Edith Hamilton
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Sunday, November 05, 2017
Saturday, November 04, 2017
Friday, November 03, 2017
Double (Van Doren)
The mind of man has always lived a double life, or had a double function: to go forth and return. Or perhaps one should say, to discover and remember.
Mark Van Doren
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Thursday, November 02, 2017
Wednesday, November 01, 2017