The origin of confusion is contradiction.
Labels: thought
Live all you can; it's a mistake not to. It doesn't so much matter what you do in particular so long as you have your life. If you haven't had that what have you had?
Henry James, The Ambassadors
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The world comes to us in an endless stream of puzzle pieces that we would like to think all fit together somehow, but that in fact never do.
Robert M. Pirsig
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Find the grandest thing you can, and let it guide your contemplation of foolishness.
Labels: thought
Ah, Love! could thou and I with Fate conspire
To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits—and then
Re-mould it nearer to the Heart's Desire!
Omar Khayyám
Labels: poetry
Just as the world itself is fragmented, we are too. Instead of thinking of ourselves as single, unified selves who we are trying to discover through self-reflection, we could think of ourselves as complex arrays of emotions, dispositions, desires, and traits that often pull us in different and contradictory ways. When we do so, we become malleable. We avoid the danger of defining ourselves as frozen in a moment in time.
Michael Puett & Christine Gross-Loh,
The Path: What Chinese Philosophers Can Teach Us About the Good Life
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The greatest indulgence is to indulge in satiety surrounded by stimulation.
Labels: thought
It is not that the Way broadens
humans; it is that humans
broaden the Way.
Confucius, the Analects
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All my life I had nothing
but worse than that,
I wouldn't share it.
Bill Knott, "Worse"
Labels: poetry
Every religious comfort, every joy, has a secular equivalent untainted by falseness—or at least, by that falseness.
Labels: thought
What you wish to discover, you should imbue.
Labels: thought
And if somebody hears
what I say—let him be pitiful:
because i've travelled all alone
through the forest of wonderful
e. e. cummings, from "Sonnets—Actualities"
Labels: poetry
The editors at The Legendary literary website have chosen to publish four of my poems ("Frictionless," "Lingering," "Advantage," and "Modus Operandi") in their next issue. I can't wait to see them go online!
Labels: acceptance notice
I missed the actual release day, but my poem "The Idyllic" has been published in Issue 10 (Winter 2017) of Lingerpost!
Labels: publication notice
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All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)