Should still be true (Bronk)
That desire holds! That, at fifty, what I said
at twenty should still be true! That in thirty years
no one should show me wrong! I was wrong! I was wrong!
William Bronk, from "At Fifty"
Labels: poetry
That desire holds! That, at fifty, what I said
at twenty should still be true! That in thirty years
no one should show me wrong! I was wrong! I was wrong!
William Bronk, from "At Fifty"
Labels: poetry
When you portray something as simpler than it is to facilitate understanding, you ultimately and inevitably inhibit understanding.
Labels: thought
What is wanted is not faith in tomorrow, but in our ability to respond to tomorrow's demands.
Labels: thought
When a nation goes mad,
Labels: thought
Where I come from
Nobody knows;
And where I'm going
Everything goes.
The wind blows,
The sea flows—
And nobody knows.
Robert Nathan, Portrait of Jennie
Labels: poetry
Light is pointless in the deep dark of space.
Labels: thought
The mistakes that we male and female mortals make when we have our own way might fairly raise some wonder that we are so fond if it.
George Eliot, Middlemarch
Labels: quote
When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.
(not) Sinclair Lewis/Huey P. Long
Labels: quote
Spinebind has published my poem "A Window" in their Issue #4. For some reason, they center-justified it, at least in the .pdf version, but it's still great to be included with the other work here.
Labels: publication notice
The beautiful is fair. The just is fair.
Yet one is commonplace and one is rare,
One everywhere, one scarcely anywhere.
So fair unfair a world. Had we the wit
To use the surplus for the deficit,
We'd make a fairer fairer world of it.
Robert Francis
Labels: poetry
When what is done is done, it must be justified, its necessity and appropriateness quickly and firmly established so that it never need be (ideally, never can be) considered, much less questioned, again. Fortunately, the mind, thus called upon, rarely balks and almost never fails to settle the matter in the manner desired.
Labels: thought
Our desires interweave with each other; and in the confusion of existence, it is seldom that a joy is promptly paired with the desire that longed for it.
Marcel Proust, In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower
Labels: quote
If you feel there are things your eyes must not see, then close them, fool. But never undertake to impede my view.
Labels: thought
Understanding brings us closer,
Labels: thought
Spinebind Magazine, a quarterly literary magazine based in Brisbane, Australia (my first Australian publication!), will be publishing my poem "A Window" in their next issue on January 20th. I'm very much looking forward to seeing this one.
Labels: acceptance notice
Made with potatoes, carrots, turnips, parsnips, celery root, golden beets, chayote, bell pepper, onion, and a little beef.
Labels: food
Maturity is making the effort to be less brittle than your instincts (together with your position in the world) would, unopposed, lead you to be.
Labels: thought
Books Read: 86
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© 1996 - 2025
All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)