The joys (Cold Mountain)
once you see through transience and illusion
the joys of roaming free are wonderful indeed
Cold Mountain, from "207"
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once you see through transience and illusion
the joys of roaming free are wonderful indeed
Cold Mountain, from "207"
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Everyone invents their own religion, even the most devout, the most reverent, the most sectarian. They choose who to listen to, what to read, what to believe, what they need. Thus, no two people share exactly the same religion.
Labels: thought the last possible moment
we still want to love
whatever it is we've spent our lives loving...
Katha Pollitt, from "Evening in the Mugello"
Labels: poetry
Is there a self or not
is this me or not
this is what I contemplate
sitting in a trance above a cliff
Cold Mountain, from "197"
Labels: poetry
The illusion of plenty doesn't feed the hungry.
Labels: thought
The final vanity, to think
you're not your life, that even today
at the last possible moment
you can walk away...
Katha Pollitt, from "From a Notebook"
Labels: poetry
How did
I move so far away
just living day by day,
that now all rooms seem strange,
the years all error?
Katha Pollitt, from "A Chinese Bowl"
Labels: poetry
If my experience is typical, as children of six or seven we feel joy and sorrow, we love and even hate, as intensely as we ever can. From this age onward, mental growth increases our ability to reason and plan but hardly our capacity to feel. Perhaps, indeed, our emotional responses are attenuated as we form the habit of reacting practically to the crises in our lives, of trying to understand their causes or foresee their consequences.
Alexander F. Skutch, The Imperative Call
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Seeing what people are willing to do to survive a day, a year, can we even begin to conceive of what they would do to survive a thousand, a million years?
Labels: thought
Half of Buddhism is brilliant observation.
Labels: thought
However much a hermit may on the whole prefer solitude, there must surely be times when memories of worldly joys, either experienced or once longed for, temporarily disturb his serenity.
John Blofeld
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All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)