Some things (Murray)
I came to the world unrehearsed but I've learned some things.
Les Murray, from "Corniche"
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I came to the world unrehearsed but I've learned some things.
Les Murray, from "Corniche"
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The poet is he who wants that which everyone
wants to want.
Olga Sedakova, from "Coda"
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If there is need, justification is not necessary.
Labels: thought
Never try to take more from someone
Labels: thought
Determinism is so very Newtonian.
Labels: thought
One can continue anywhere, with the right assistance, but can originate only where one did.
Labels: thought
I have never had a summer like this before.
"And you never will again!"—I hear an assurance.
And I shudder: an apple has fallen,
stressing the "never" from the outside.
Bella Akhmadulina, from "The Night of Falling Apples"
Labels: poetry
And as soon as the shooting starts
The bullet will find a hole.
Bulat Okudzhava, from "The Omen"
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It's not going to be the case, as I thought, that there's us that is intelligent, and there's everything else in the world that's not. It's not going to be some big abstract difference between us and the clouds and the cellular automata. It's not an abstract difference. It's not something where we can say, look, this brain-like neural network is just qualitatively different than this cellular automaton thing. Rather, it's a detailed difference that this brain-like thing was produced by this long history of civilization, et cetera, whereas this cellular automaton was just created by my computer in the last microsecond.
Here's one of my scenarios that I'm curious about. Let's say there's a time when human consciousness is readily uploadable into digital form, virtualized and so on, and pretty soon we have a box of a trillion souls. There are a trillion souls in a box, all virtualized. We look at this box. In the box, there will be hopefully nice molecular computing, maybe it'll be derived from biology in some sense, but maybe not, but there will be all kinds of molecules doing things, electrons doing things. The box is doing all kinds of elaborate stuff.
Then we look at the rock sitting next to the box. Inside the rock, there's all kinds of elaborate stuff going on, all kinds of electrons doing all kinds of things. We say, "What's the difference between the rock and the box of a trillion souls?" The answer will be that the box of trillion souls has this long history. The details of what's happening there were derived from the history of civilization and people watching videos made in 2015 or whatever. Whereas the rock came from its geological history, but it's not the particular history of our civilization.
This question of realizing that there isn't this distinction between intelligence and mere computation leads you to imagine the future of civilization ends up being the box of trillion souls, and then what is the purpose of that?
Stephen Wolfram, Edge
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We will leave singing
Singing to our loves
Life is short and short the time.
Robert Desnos, from "Soil of Compiègne"
Labels: poetry
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All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)