Before (Gold)
Paradise would be if I could hold them
Before not behind my eyes.
Arthur Gold, from "Chest Cancer"
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Paradise would be if I could hold them
Before not behind my eyes.
Arthur Gold, from "Chest Cancer"
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Faith is the truth of passion. Since no passion is more true than another, faith is the truth of nothing.
R. Scott Bakker, The Darkness That Comes Before
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Some say men continually war against circumstances, but I say they perpetually flee. What are the works of men if not a momentary respite, a hiding place soon to be discovered by catastrophe? Life is endless flight before the hunter we call the world.
R. Scott Bakker, The Darkness That Comes Before
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It seems that a reader can only read the texts that say what he already knows.
Frances Ferguson
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A different result requires a different input. Or different conditions. Or an intervention of chance.
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All society is something of a burning house...and the very notion that you are "master of your destiny" is something of a laughable illusion.
Pico Iyer
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A curious halfness deadened the man, as though his thought lacked the momentum to become speech.
R. Scott Bakker, from The Darkness That Comes Before
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Conservatives are inherently insecure. Those who fear losing themselves to change fear that society will be lost to it as well and work to inhibit it. Those, on the other hand, who see themselves as that which will survive and transcend all change are less resistant to it, as it is not an existential threat.
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I don't believe in convictions. They are generally hypocrisy.
Muriel Spark, from Reality and Dreams
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There is no greater debasement than to provide your enemies' weapons, except to do it for profit.
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We have slept with death all our lives.
It will grind out its graceless victory,
but we can limp in triumph over the cold
intervening sand.
Jack Gilbert, from "Seen From Above"
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God is synonymous with the unknown;
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We are all burning in time, but each is consumed
at his own speed. Each is the product
of his spirit's refraction, of the inflection
of that mind. It is the pace of our living
that makes the world available.
Jack Gilbert, from "Burning (Andante Non Troppo)"
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I believe Icarus was not failing as he fell,
but just coming to the end of his triumph.
Jack Gilbert, from "Failing and Flying"
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Boston Poetry Magazine has published four of my poems ("Garbage," "Real Luxuries," "Suggestion, Recommendation, Injunction," and "Oratory") on their website and is considering them for their print volume.
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We must risk delight. We can do without pleasure,
but not delight. Not enjoyment. We must have
the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless
furnace of this world.
Jack Gilbert, from "A Brief for the Defense"
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Give me one true poet, one true poem,
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They might not always like what they were used to, but it was dead certain that they would always loathe what they were not used to...
Patrick O'Brian, from The Fortune of War
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How astonishing it is that language can almost mean,
and frightening that it does not quite.
Jack Gilbert, from "The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart"
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But how could he dare, this opulent Buddha
with his temples and everyone adoring,
preach to me of the ordinary?
Jack Gilbert, from "Byzantium Burning"
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How could I give up writing? You might ask
a man to give up breathing, or a hawk
to drop a strip of fillet in your hand
and starve itself. I am compulsion's fiend.
And thought is as an irritating itch
that can't be reached except in pen and ink.
I covet paper. Nothing inside is still
till I empty out my mind and order it.
Ros Barber, from The Marlowe Papers
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Liberty & Justice
Labels: poetry
My poem "Elegy for Edges" has been published in the 2013 issue of The Fieldstone Review based at the University of Saskatchewan. Check it out! (The last line shouldn't be italicized...I'm hoping they'll fix it.)
Labels: publication notice
But I also note that when I become a collector in some special field of knowledge, other sections of my world view get dull and obscure. Might it be for this reason that some of us intuitively resist becoming the best at anything?
Theo Grutter, from Dancing With Mosquitoes
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Damnation is the judgment that you never did
Labels: thought
Too many behave as though they lack the capacity for complexity, settling for complication.
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© 1996 - 2025
All rights reserved.
Michael C. Rush (aka M. C. Rush)
Direct inquires to: rushmc @
(Site was originally called @ Wit's End, then
The Shattered Mirror, before becoming Webnesia.)